Four Oaks Pump Station Improvements - REBID


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 11/14/23 10:00am
Bid Date 12/19/23 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

CDM Smith
Kaitlyn Spurlock  



Johnston County

Four Oaks Pump Station Improvements


Sealed Bids for construction of the Four Oaks Pump Station Improvements project will be received by Johnston County at the Conference Room in the Land Use Center (309 E. Market Street) in Smithfield, NC until 2PM, Tuesday, December 19, 2023 and at that time and place bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.


The work generally consists of constructing a new 880 gpm triplex submersible sewage effluent pumping station wet well with valve vault and flow meter vault, conversion of the existing pump station into an electrical building, addition of a sewage grinder in an existing influent wet well, addition of liquid chemical feed system for odor control, approximately 100 linear feet of 12- and 16-inch gravity sewer and 40 linear feet of 30-inch diameter bored-and-jacked steel casing at the existing pumping station site located in the Town of Four Oaks.


Contract Documents may be examined and/or obtained at the office of CDM Smith at 5400 Glenwood Ave. Raleigh, NC 27612. A deposit of $200 in cash, bank or certified check payable to CDM Smith will be required for each printed set of the Contract Documents. Bidders requesting Contract Documents by mail shall include an additional non-refundable check payable to CDM Smith in the amount of $50 per set to cover costs of handling and mailing.


Documents may also be viewed at, and at County’s website at where they may also be downloaded in PDF format.