Green Level Trail - Road Widening


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date2/21/24 11:00am

Bid Date3/5/24 11:00am

Company & Contacts

Lucas Helms  

Complete bidding documents may be reviewed online and obtained from Accent Imaging from Tuesday February 13, 2024 at 8121 Brownleigh Drive, Raleigh, NC 27617, (919)782-3332, or at Digital and/or printed copies of the contract documents and plans can be purchased from Accent Imaging for a non-refundable fee as posted on Accent Imaging’s website. For additional information please contact Lucas Helms at DRMP by email at

A VOLUNTARY pre-bid conference will be held on WEDNESDAY, February 21, 2024 at 11 AM using the Microsoft Teams video conferencing platform. Those interested in participating in the pre-bid meeting must send an email notification of Intent to Bid, including the project description “GREEN LEVEL TRAIL – SR 1605 (GREEN LEVEL WEST ROAD) – CARY, NC” as the subject to Lucas Helms at at least 24 hours before the meeting. A Microsoft Teams invitation email with date, time, and login instruction will be sent prior to the meeting. 

Contractor is to bid the project per the Itemized Proposal Base Bid sheet which contains the full Ramey Kemp Associates ‘21138 Green Level West’ Plans and the McAdams Yates Store Road Improvement Plans. The appliable approved site plan sheets for the Yates Store Road Improvements are shown on Sheet C2.05 and only the shaded area is to be constructed per the contract from the site plan set.